
Last year marked the 60th Anniversary of the current St Barnabas building. It was also the time we undertook the refurbishment of the Sanctuary and Narthex windows. These two events sparked the idea to install some stain glass style window art on these windows.

Over the last couple of months Kalamunda graphic designer Stephen Castledine of Castledine + Castledine, has been preparing concept designs. The projected cost is $6,000 and we will naturally accept and donations towards offsetting the cost. 

We are now able to unveil Stephen's designs, and invite parishioners to respond to the Narthex and Sanctuary Windows designs.

Fr John met with Stephen and expressed a desire for the Sanctuary windows invite passersby to explore inside of our church.  On the inside the design was to bath the sanctuary in colour. The design should not be too busy, but make the most of the height of the windows.

The sanctuary windows are a series of gothic window designs inspired by the patterns created by the crossed fronds of local Zamia palms and Xanthorrohea grass trees.

The rising Sun draws us outside to live the faith we profess

Narthex Windows

The Narthex windows where required to reference the features  of the Narthex and a sense of place at the centre of our local community:

The 6 Creation Panels

Day 1.
"Let there be light."

Day 2.
“Let there be a dome in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters" 
God called the dome Sky.

Day 3.
“Let the waters under the sky be gathered together into one place,
and let the dry land appear.”
“Let the earth put forth vegetation...”

Day 4.

“Let there be lights in the dome of the sky to separate the day from the night...”

Day 5.
“Let the waters bring forth swarms of living creatures,
and let birds fly above the earth across the dome of the sky.”.

Day 6.

“Let the earth bring forth living creatures of every kind...”
“Let us make humans in our image...”

The 3 Hero Panels

Mandorla Shape - represents the intersection of heaven with earth and evokes the incarnation.

Panel 1. The Burning Bush

 "We are standing on sacred ground"
The burning bush evokes our exerience of bushfire
and those who put themselves on the line to protect lives and property.

Panel 2. The Pilgrim Journey

"We are called to follow Christ" 

The path lead to the rising Sun symbolising our journey to the risen Christ.
The winding path evokes the Bibbulman Track which has become a place of spiritual significance to many.

Panel 3. The Scollop Shell

"I baptise you in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit"

The rays of the sun continue the lines of the scollop shell which is a traditional symbol of the Pilgrim and of Baptism.

The shell evokes the ocean to the west and at the southern terminus of the Bibbulmun Track in Albany.

Direct Credit Details

Anglican Community Fund

Anglican Parish of Kalamunda-Lesmurdie

ACF Direct Credit Offering: BSB 706 001 Account 30003030