Parish Details
Priest: Fr Grahame Bowland 0433 317 142,; Day off Wednesday
Parish Council
Warden: Bev Downing (Treasurer) 0488 510 452, Diane Milne 0448 116 905, Tracey Jones 0413 402 556
Council Secretary: Lin Robins
Councillors: Lin Robins, Glenda Apted, Carol Wallace, Lucy Cantlay, Carolyn Toleman, Heidi O'Neill, Peter Kennedy & Peter Stewart.
Lay Synod Representatives: Bev Downing & Liz Kelly (Lin Robins now standing in for Liz.)
A message from Fr Grahame, launching our new parish-wide bulletin: We are a ‘merging parish’ – when the parishes of Kalamunda and Lesmurdie merged a few years ago, a new parish was created which inherited the traditions of both. That includes ways of communicating with parishioners – the Kalamunda eBulletin, and the Lesmurdie pew sheet.
As your Intentional Interim Priest, I’m keen to avoid ‘doubling up’ the administrative work that happens each week – and I’m also keen to help us continue to embrace our new life as a unified parish: one parish with two churches, each with their own distinct and complementary gifts.
Today we launch ‘The Zig Zag’: a new iteration of the paper bulletin that was produced at St Swithun’s Church, now produced for the whole parish. It is edited by Diane Milne, one of the churchwardens, working with Lin Robins, the parish council secretary, who edits this online version. Paper copies of the Zig Zag will be available at both St Barnabas and St Swithun's.
I hope you will embrace this new parish bulletin. If you have suggestions, talk to Diane, or Lin, or myself. Blessings, Grahame.
Thursday 5 December
9.30am Holy Communion - Baptism and Confirmation - Bishop Kate
2.30pm-3.30pm - Regis Greenmount - Fr Grahame
Friday 6 December
9.00-12.00noon - Community Morning Tea - St Barnabas Hall - Resumes 7 February 2025
1.30pm - Patchwork in the Hall (1st & 3rd Fridays)
10.30am - 11.30am - Carols at Sunshine Park (Joan)
1.15pm - 2.30pm - Carols at Parry House (Joan)
Saturday 7 December
10.30am - 11.30am - Book Launch in St Barnabas Hall
St Swithuns
8.00am Holy Communion - Fr Grahame
Preacher: Fr Grahame
St Barnabas
9.30am Holy Communion - Fr Grahame
Preacher: Fr Grahame
7.00pm Stirk Park Carols
Monday 9 December
9.00am-12.00noon Op Shop Open - (Monday-Saturday)
Tuesday 10 December
9.30am-10.30am - Villa Maria Aged Care Service - Fr Grahame
1.00pm - Circle Dancers
5.00pm - 6.00pm Advent Study Meeting 2 at St Barnabas
Wednesday 11 December
Father Grahame's Day off
1.00-3.30pm - Kalamunda Art Group - St Barnabas Hall
Thursday 12 December
9.30am Holy Communion - Fr Grahame
Friday 13 December
9.00-12.00noon - Community Morning Tea - St Barnabas Hall - In Recess until 7 February 2025
1.30pm - Patchwork in the Hall (1st & 3rd Fridays) - In Recess until next year
Saturday 14 December
9.00am-12.00noon Op Shop - Closing with Prayer for Christmas & New Year -
Reopens on 13 January 2025 with a Prayer Service
St Swithuns
8.00am Holy Communion - Fr Grahame
Preacher: Fr Grahame
St Barnabas
9.30am Holy Communion - Fr Grahame
Preacher: Fr Grahame
The parish Advent Study will explore a short book by J.R.R. Tolkien – "Leaf by Niggle." Tolkien wrote the book in a single day – and it very much belongs to the Christian tradition. As we explore the book together it is my hope and prayer that it will tally well with the Advent season.
The study group will meet in the side chapel
at St Barnabas Church, 5pm-6pm on December 3, 10, and 17.
A sign up sheet will be at the back of both churches on Sunday.
The movie ‘Barbie’ riffs on many Biblical themes. Come along for an exploration of the story of Adam & Eve, led by Fr Grahame, followed by pizza and then the movie. This is an event for youth & young adults: please invite people to come along! Suggested donation $10 for pizza.
Singing Carols at Parry House
The Revd Lorna Green has had to move this to December 17th at 1.30pm. Please pop along at the new time.
"Sharing Christ's love by encouraging, strengthening
and supporting marriage and family life ".
Meets: 1.30pm on the 2nd Tuesday of the Month at St Swithuns Hall.
Next Meeting : To Be Advised
Secretary: Nancy Rhodes,
Open: 9.00am-12.00pm Monday - Saturday.
— excluding Public Holidays —
We need those regular weekly volunteers, and those who may be available to fill the occasional gap in the roster
Contact Bron Hatcher - 08 9293 0214
We are looking for volunteers to fill two new roles and an existing role on the Roster.
The Clicker (who looks after the clicker button for the screens)
Silver & Brass cleaners (who polish the silver and brass on a regular basis)
Flower arrangers (training available from the lovely flower ladies)
If you feel you would like to volunteer for any of these roles, or any other role on the rosters
please call or email Lin - 0437 158 734 or
Malachi 3.1-4; Song of Zechariah: Philippians 1.1-11; Luke 3.1-6.
Prayer of the Week:
Merciful God,
who sent your messenger John the Baptist
to preach repentance and prepare the way for our salvation:
give us grace to heed his warning and forsake our sins,
that we may greet with joy the coming of our Redeemer,
Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.
St Swithuns, Lesmurdie
Counters: Diane Milne & Brian Colegate
Celebrant: Fr Grahame
Preaching: Fr Grahame
8.00am Eucharist
LA: Nicole Hales
Intercessions: Nancy Cox
Old Testament: Millie Sala-Tenna
New Testament: Norma Hoffman
Flowers: Advent No Flowers
Sacristan: Bev Morris
Celebrant: Fr Grahame
Preaching: Fr Grahame
9.30am Eucharist
LA: Lin Robins
Second Challice: Stuart Fairbairn *
Clicker: Bev Downing
Sidespersons: Chris Robins &Jim Crawford
Old Testament: Hilary Edwards
New Testament: Glenda Apted
Morning Tea: Pauline Townsend
Zephaniah 3.14-20: A Song of Isaiah: Philippians 4.4-7: Luke 3.7-18.
Prayer of the Week:
Almighty God
you have made us and all things to serve you:
come quickly to save us,
so that wars and violence shall end
and your children may live in peace,
honouring one another with justice and love;
through Jesus Christ, your Son our Lord,
who lives with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Counters: Brian Colegate & Peter Newing
Celebrant: Fr Grahame
Preaching: Revd Peregrin Campbell-Osgood
8.00am Eucharist
LA: Lav Marendoli-Murray
Intercessions: Peter Newing
Old Testament: Brian Colegate
New Testament: Diane Milne
Flowers: Advent No Flowers
Sacristan: Lin Robins
Celebrant: Fr Grahame
Preaching: Revd Peregrin Campbell-Osgood
9.30am Eucharist
LA: Tracey Jones
Second Challice: Revd Peregrin Campbell-Osgood
Clicker: Clicker Jim Crawford
Sidespersons: Chris Robins & Glenda Apted
Old Testament: Doug Pritchard
New Testament: Christine Pritchard
Morning Tea: Sherry Fairbairn
Micah 5.2-5a: Song of Mary: Hebrews 10.5-10: Luke 1.39-45.
Prayer of the Week:
Oh Lord,
raise up your power and come among us,
and with great might succour us,
that, whereas through our sins and wickedness
we are sore let and hindered
in running the race that is set before us,
your bountiful grace and mercy
may speedily help and deliver us;
through your son our Lord,
to whom with you and the Holy Spirit
be honour and glory, now and for ever. Amen.
Counters: Diane Milne & Glenda Apted
Celebrant: Fr Grahame
Preaching: Fr Grahame
8.00am Eucharist
LA: Linda Murray
Intercessions: Priest
Old Testament: Vanessa Thurgate
New Testament: Lav Marendoli-Murray
Flowers: No Flowers Advent
Sacristan: Mary Raycraft
Celebrant: Fr Grahame
Preaching: Fr Grahame
9.30am Eucharist
LA: Tracey Jones
Second Challice: Stuart Fairbairn *
Clicker: Chris Robins
Sidespersons: Christabel Dickson & Lin Robins
Old Testament: Jim Crawford
New Testament: Connie Russell
Morning Tea: Hilary Edwards.
Isaiah 9.2-7: Psalm 96: Titus 2.11-14: Luke 2.1-20.
Prayer of the Week:
O Lord,
raise up your power and come among us,
and with great might succour us,
that, whereas through our sins and wickedness
we are sore let and hindered
in running the race that is set before us,
your bountiful grace and mercy
may speedily help and deliver us;
through your Son our Lord,
to whom with you and the Holy Spirit
be honour and glory, now and for ever. Amen.
Celebrant: Fr Grahame
Preaching: Fr Grahame
8.00am Eucharist
Old Testament:
New Testament:
Flowers: Tracey Jones
Celebrant: Fr Grahame
Preaching: Fr Grahame
9.30am Eucharist
Second Challice:
Old Testament:
New Testament:
Morning Tea:
Isaiah 62.6-12: Psalm 97: Titus 3.4-8a: Luke 2.1-20.
Prayer of the Week:
O Lord,
raise up your power and come among us,
and with great might succour us,
that, whereas through our sins and wickedness
we are sore let and hindered
in running the race that is set before us,
your bountiful grace and mercy
may speedily help and deliver us;
through your Son our Lord,
to whom with you and the Holy Spirit
be honour and glory, now and for ever. Amen.
Celebrant: Fr Grahame
Preaching: Fr Grahame
8.00am Eucharist
Old Testament:
New Testament:
Celebrant: Fr Grahame
Preaching: Fr Grahame
9.30am Eucharist
Second Challice:
Old Testament:
New Testament:
Morning Tea:
To keep the rosters working well, if you could arrange a swap and let Lin or Grahame know that you have swapped that would help immensely.
Julie Ward and family
Shirley Foreman
Liz Kelly
Mary Smault
Tony Eagleton
Rob C (Alice Lang)
Amanda Emmett and family
Tessa L, Philip W, Alice L, Ken O, Denise L.
Ima Rose and family
Hal Airth - (Mary Raycraft)
Margot McGuire, Geoff & Family
June Ellison, Shane & Desiree
Josephine Morgan
John & Maureen Buckley - good health, great healthcare and lots of support (Denise Laycock)
Aiten (Christabel Dickson)
Phil Davies, Jenny (Jane Davies)
West, Thomas WALMSLEY (Irene McGuirk)
Cathy & George Car (Allan & Lucy Cantlay)
Karyn Brands (Roger Blackburn)
The Bereaved
Julie Ward and family following the death of Fr John
Pat Tiszavolgyi following the death of Bill Tiszavolgyi
The family of Barbara McKnight, Andrea, Karen & Ross.
Those in hospital (* Surgery)
Asha - in hospital (Christabel Dickson)
Loving Lord, we pray for …,
strengthen them by your Holy Spirit,
grant release from pain,
refreshment of spirit,
and wholeness in body and mind
through Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen.
The Departed.
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May the souls of all the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God,
rest in peace and rise in glory. Amen
To keep our prayer list current please send us those you wish to pray for. CLICK HERE
Departed Anniversaries:
10 Ann Spenser (2012)
12 John Edmunds (2020)
12 Lucilla Jacenko (1996))
13 Graham Washington (1999)
Safe Ministry Checks.
Form 1. This is now obsolete and One of the National Safe Ministry Forms will be required.
VNPC. This is renewed 3 yearly. The new NVPC has an upgraded Documented ID requirements.
1. Commencement of Identity Document (1) - ie. Birth Certificate or Passport.
2. Primary Identity Document (1) - ie. Driver's License
3. Secondary Identity Document (2) - ie. Medicare Card and a Bank Card (The bank card number is not recorded)
4. Change of Name Document - ie. Marriage Certificate.
These documents need to be seen by us, but we no longer need a copy.
We sign the E4 Section and submits the form to the safe Ministry Unit.
WWCC card - 3 yearly as usual. Priest signs in the relevant place.
Safe Ministry Training - Level 1 / Level 2
Thank you to those who came to the group training, and thanks to Davina for coming out to the parish.
Anyone still needing to update their training of clearances, please email Fr Grahame. If clearances remain out of date, we will be forced to take people off rosters.
Safe Ministry Training - Level 1 Enrolment Guide
Safe Ministry Training Level 1 login
(use the link in the Enrolment guide above if this one does not work - training costs are covered by the Diocese)