No 146: 19 January 2025 – 2nd Sunday after Epiphany
Parish Details
Priest: Fr Grahame Bowland 0433 317 142,; Day off Wednesday
Parish Council
Warden: Bev Downing (Treasurer) 0488 510 452, Diane Milne 0448 116 905, Tracey Jones 0413 402 556
Council Secretary: Lin Robins
Councillors: Lin Robins, Glenda Apted, Carol Wallace, Lucy Cantlay, Carolyn Toleman, Heidi O'Neill, Peter Kennedy & Peter Stewart.
Lay Synod Representatives: Bev Downing & Liz Kelly (Lin Robins now standing in for Liz.)
This year, from Easter Day through to Pentecost, the parish will be taking part in a national renewal movement of the Anglican Church: Hope25. Parishes all around the country will be doing something new to share the hope that we have in Jesus Christ.
Here in Kalamunda and Lesmurdie, it would be wonderful to find new ways to connect our two church sites with the surrounding communities, and share what we do and why. One thought I have had is to have a prayer service down at the Lesmurdie Falls as the first rains come, and the falls start to flow once more.
Easter Sunday falls on the 20th of April, and Pentecost follows on June 8. Please have a pray and a think, and send me your ideas via email to; thanks everyone!
– Fr Grahame
On the 26th of January we will have an all parish 9am service, with a bring & share morning tea afterwards.
From Tuesday 28 January – Tuesday 4 February, the driveway will be being rebuilt at St Swithun’s, and so the carparks will not be accessible. Please do not bring your car onto the premises, even if it looks like the works are complete: doing so will damage the partially laid driveway. Our 8am service on February 2 will be held at St Barnabas. Any queries to Diane or Grahame.
Thursday 16 January
9.30am Holy Communion - Fr Grahame
Friday 17 January
9.00-12.00noon - Community Morning Tea - St Barnabas Hall - In Recess until 7 February 2025
Saturday 18 January
9.30am - 12.00noon. Op Shop - 9am - 11.30pm
5.00pm - 7.00pm. - Mother's Union Event
Blessing of the Backpacks, The Salvation Army Band & Sausage Sizzle.
St Swithuns
8.00am Holy Communion - Fr Grahame
Preacher: Fr Grahame
St Barnabas
9.30am Holy Communion - Fr Grahame
Preacher: Fr Grahame
Tuesday 21 January
Wednesday 22 January
Thursday 23 January
9.30am Holy Communion - Fr Grahame
Friday 24 January
Saturday 25 January
St Barnabas
9.00am Holy Communion - Fr Grahame
Preacher: Fr Grahame
Tuesday 21 Jan, 7.00pm @ St Cuthbert’s Darlington: Commissioning of The Revd Peregrin Campbell-Osgood
Sunday 26 January, 9am: whole parish service @ St Barnabas with bring & share morning tea for Australia Day
Tuesday 28 January – Tuesday 4 February: the driveway will be being rebuilt at St Swithun’s, and so the carparks will not be accessible. Please do not bring your car onto the premises, even if it looks like the works are complete: doing so will damage the partially laid driveway. Our 8am service on February 2 will be held at St Barnabas. Any queries to Diane or Grahame.
Thursday 30 January, 4pm @ St Barnabas: Anglicans all around the world will be joining together online for the Lambeth Conference discussion on Church Unity. We’ll gather at St Barnabas (due to the driveway works) and then go out for a meal and a chat afterwards.
Sunday 2 Feb: Candlemas (the Feast of the Presentation) will be marked. Bring candles from home to be blessed – we will process out together with lighted candles at the end of the service.
Saturday 15 Feb, 2pm – 4pm @ St Swithun’s Hall: A forum exploring how St Swithun's Hall might become a place of hospitality and retreat. This event explores a possible new ministry at St Swithun’s – please come along. We’ll have special guests from outside the parish attending.
* Church Name Badges. *
If you don't have a name badge yet and would like one,
please let Bev at St Barnabas or
Diane at St Swithuns
know and they will arrange this for you.
"Sharing Christ's love by encouraging, strengthening
and supporting marriage and family life ".
Meets: 1.30pm on the 2nd Tuesday of the Month at St Swithuns Hall.
Next Meeting : To Be Advised
Secretary: Nancy Rhodes,
We need those regular weekly volunteers, and those who may be available to fill the occasional gap in the roster
Contact Bron Hatcher - 08 9293 0214
To give our Morning Tea volunteers a bit of a break for January,
we thought it would be nice to have a cup of tea or coffee after the service still,
and there will be biscuits available in the kitchen for something to eat.
In February we will be back to full Roster again.
We would like to take this opportunity to Thank all the Volunteers for all their Wonderful work.
Isaiah 62.1-5: Psalm 36.5-10: 1 Corinthians 12.1-11: John 2.1-11.
Prayer of the Week:
Almighty God,
by whose grace alone we are accepted
and called to your service:
strengthen us by your Holy Spirit
and make us worthy of our calling;
though Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Counters: Glenda Apted & Diane Milne
Celebrant: Fr Grahame
Preaching: Fr Grahame
8.00am Eucharist
LA: Carol Wallace
Intercessions: Pearl Astley
Old Testament: Kylie Astley
New Testament: Pat Hallahan.
Flowers: Summer Flowers
Sacristan: Mary Raycraft
Celebrant: Fr Grahame
Preaching: Fr Grahame
9.30am Eucharist
LA: Tracey Jones
Second Challice: Jim Crawford
Clicker: Stuart Fairbairn
Sidespersons: Lin Robins & Chris Robins
Old Testament: Bev Downing
New Testament: Hilary Edwards
Morning Tea: Volunteers on Holiday. - Please prepare as necessary
Nehemiah 8.1-3,5-6,6-10: Psalm 19: 1 Corinthians 12.12-31: Luke 4.14-21
Prayer of the Week:
O God,
the strength of all those who put their trust in you:
mercifully accept our prayers,
and because through the weakness of our mortal nature
we can do nothing good without you,
grant us the help of your grace,
that in keeping your commandments
we may please you both in will and deed;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Flowers: Summer Flowers
Sacristan: Bev Morris
Celebrant: Fr Grahame
Preaching: Fr Grahame
9.00am Eucharist
LA: Bev Downing
Second Challice: Lin Robins
Clicker: Chris Robins
Sidespersons: Glenda Apted & Jim Crawford
Old Testament: Stuart Fairbairn
New Testament: Connie Russell
Morning Tea: Bring & Share Morning Tea.
Malachi 3.1-4: Psalm 24: Hebrews 2.14-18: Luke 2.22-40.
Prayer of the Week:
O Lord,
you have taught us
that all our doings without love are worth nothing:
send your Holy Spirit,
and pour into our hearts that most excellent gift of love,
the true bond of peace and of all virtues,
without which whoever lives is counted dead before you;
Grand this for your only Son Jesus Christ's sake. Amen.
Counters: Diane Milne & Brian Colegate
Celebrant: Fr Grahame
Preaching: Fr Grahame
8.00am Eucharist
LA: Lav Marendoli-Murray
Intercessions: Peter Newing
Old Testament: Vanessa Thurgate
New Testament: Norma Hoffman
Flowers: Audrey Ogilby
Sacristan: Bev Downing
Celebrant: Fr Grahame
Preaching: Fr Grahame
9.30am Eucharist
LA: Lin Robins
Second Challice: Stuart Fairbairn
Clicker: Jim Crawford
Sidespersons: Christabel Dickson
Old Testament: Chris Robins
New Testament: Tracey Jones
Morning Tea: Hilary Edwards
To keep the rosters working well, if you could arrange a swap and let Lin or Grahame know that you have swapped that would help immensely.
Volunteers needed for the Roster at St Barnabas
We are looking for volunteers to fill two new roles and an existing role on the Roster.
The Clicker (who looks after the clicker button for the screens)
Silver & Brass cleaners (who polish the silver and brass on a regular basis)
Flower arrangers (training available from the lovely flower ladies)
If you feel you would like to volunteer for any of these roles, or any other role on the rosters
please call or email Lin - 0437 158 734 or
Shirley Foreman
Peter Kennedy (in hospital)
Liz Kelly
Mary Smault
Tony Eagleton
Rob C (Alice Lang)
Amanda Emmett and family
Tessa L, Philip W, Alice L, Ken O, Denise L., Jenny.
Ima Rose and family
Hal Airth - (Mary Raycraft)
Margot McGuire, Geoff & Family
June Ellison, Shane & Desiree
Josephine Morgan
John & Maureen Buckley - good health, great healthcare and lots of support (Denise Laycock)
Aiten (Christabel Dickson)
Phil Davies, Jenny (Jane Davies)
West, Thomas WALMSLEY (Irene McGuirk)
Cathy & George Car (Allan & Lucy Cantlay)
Karyn Brands (Roger Blackburn)
The Bereaved
Those in hospital (* Surgery)
Peter Kennedy - in hospital
Asha - in hospital (Christabel Dickson)
Loving Lord, we pray for …,
strengthen them by your Holy Spirit,
grant release from pain,
refreshment of spirit,
and wholeness in body and mind
through Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen.
The Departed
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May the souls of all the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God,
rest in peace and rise in glory. Amen
To keep our prayer list current please send us those you wish to pray for. CLICK HERE
January Birthdays:
19. Chris Robins
22. Gill Porter
24. Jenny Harapeet
27. Margaret Waller
28. Christabel Dickson
28. Bronwyn Hatcher
29. Alice Lang
30. Roland Serventy
Departed Anniversaries for January:
19. Jeanetta Edgar. (1993)
27. Dennis Baker. (2010)
28. Hugh Guthrie. (2000)
28. Rob Waller. (2018)
31. Hazel Hall. (2010)
31. John Astley. (2017)
Safe Ministry Checks.
Form 1. This is now obsolete and One of the National Safe Ministry Forms will be required.
VNPC. This is renewed 3 yearly. The new NVPC has an upgraded Documented ID requirements.
1. Commencement of Identity Document (1) - ie. Birth Certificate or Passport.
2. Primary Identity Document (1) - ie. Driver's License
3. Secondary Identity Document (2) - ie. Medicare Card and a Bank Card (The bank card number is not recorded)
4. Change of Name Document - ie. Marriage Certificate.
These documents need to be seen by us, but we no longer need a copy.
We sign the E4 Section and submits the form to the safe Ministry Unit.
WWCC card - 3 yearly as usual. Priest signs in the relevant place.
Safe Ministry Training - Level 1 / Level 2
Thank you to those who came to the group training, and thanks to Davina for coming out to the parish.
Anyone still needing to update their training of clearances, please email Fr Grahame. If clearances remain out of date, we will be forced to take people off rosters.
Safe Ministry Training - Level 1 Enrolment Guide
Safe Ministry Training Level 1 login
(use the link in the Enrolment guide above if this one does not work - training costs are covered by the Diocese)