
eBulletin No 121.  28 July 2024 - 10th Sunday after Pentecost.

Parish Details
Parish Priest: Fr John Ward 0400 452 426, priest@kalamundaanglicans.org.au; (Day off-Friday)
Assistant Curate: Fr Grahame Bowland 0433 317 142‬, frgrahame@bowland.au; In the Parish: Thursday- Sunday. (Day off - Monday)

Parish Council
Warden: Bev Downing (Treasurer) 0488 510 452‬, Diane Milne 0448 116 905, Tracey Jones 0413 402 556
Council Secretary:  Lin Robin
Councillors: Lin Robins, Glenda Apted, Carol Wallace, Lucy Cantlay, Carolyn Toleman, Heidi O'Neill, Peter Kennedy & Peter Stewart.
Lay Synod Representatives: Bev Downing & Liz Kelly.

10th Sunday after Pentecost

2 Samuel 11.1-5: Psalm 14: Ephesians 3.14-21: John 6.1-21.

Commentary on John 6:1-21
Alicia D. Myers

... The opening of John 6 includes Jesus’ miraculous provision of food and his crossing the Sea of Galilee that divinely transports his disciples to the other side. These events form the foundation for Jesus’ Bread of Life discourse in the later part of the chapter (6:25–58). In John 6:1–21, Jesus both feeds the crowd and tests his disciples as he reveals himself, and God, to them. Rather than accepting the crowd’s shortsighted confession, or forsaking his overconfident disciples, Jesus challenges those who follow to know him as the “I am” and, in so doing, to let go of their desire to control him. ...

Full Commentary


Ephesians 3:14-21 Commentary

" This is an extraordinary prayer for Ordinary Time. Paul has just described the church’s calling in cosmic terms.  The unity of Gentile and Jew in the church is intended by God to make known the manifold wisdom of God “to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms according to his eternal purpose which he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord.”  (3:10)  That high calling is why Paul begins our text with “for this reason I kneel….”  The only way the church can attain the heights to which God has called us is to kneel in prayer...'"

"...The actual content of Paul’s prayer is structured around three hina clauses in verses 16, 18, and 19: “that he may strengthen you with power;” “that you may have power… to grasp;” “that you may be filled.”  These hina clauses are like rungs on a ladder; each request takes Paul a step higher in what he dares to ask for.  First he asks for power, but not power to accomplish some herculean earthly task, like being a good father or running a large corporation or bringing world peace.  His prayer is theological in the extreme, because we can never accomplish those earthly tasks unless Paul’s first, deeply spiritual, request is granted.ncluding those found in scripture. According to him, this story is an example of the “rash promise” motif, which he classifies as M223..."

Full Sermon


St Swithuns 
8.00am  Holy Communion
  9.30am  Holy Communion 

St Barnabas  
8.00am  Holy Communion 
9.30am  Holy Communion

2024 Parish Directory

Thank you to those who have already opted by providing contact details for an all-of-parish printed Parish Directory.

The Parish Directory will not be available as digital file.

We distributed the invitation to 113 contacts and 37 parishioners have opted in.

to opt in

email LIN Robins at admin@kalamundaanglican.org.au

First name/s (Chris & Lin):
Mobile Number 1: 
Mobile Number 2: 
Home Phone: 
Email 1:
Email 2: 
Any other information:

to opt out

Simply let Lin know you do not wish to be included in the directory.

On This Week

Friday  26 July 
Fr. John's Day off.

9.00-12.00noon -  Community Morning Tea - St Barnabas Hall  

Saturday 27 July
8.00am -  Big Rose Prune - St Barnabas 
9.30am-3.00pm Cursilllo Team Training 2 - Fr John

 Sunday 28 July - 10th Sunday after Pentecost  

St Swithuns
8.00am  Holy Communion - Fr Grahame
              Preacher: Fr Grahame
9.30am  Holy Communion - Fr Grahame
              Preacher:  Fr Grahame 

St Barnabas
8.00am  Holy Communion - Fr John Ward 
              Preacher: Fr John Ward 
9.30am  Holy Communion - Fr John Ward 
              Preacher:  Fr John Ward 

Monday 29 July
Fr Grahame's Day Off

9.00am-12.00noon Op Shop Open (Monday-Saturday)

Tuesday 30 July
1.00-3.00pm St Barnabas Circle Dancers - St Barnabas Hall  

Wednesday 31 July
1.00-3.30pm Kalamunda Art Group - St Barnabas Hall 

Thursday 1 August 
9.30am  Holy Communion - Fr John Ward 
3.00pm Regis Greenmount Service 

Friday 2 August 
Fr John's Day Off

9.00-12.00noon -  Community Morning Tea - St Barnabas Hall

Saturday 3 August 
8.00am -  Big Rose Prune (alternative day if Saturday 27 July is raining)

 Sunday 4 August  -  Transfiguration  

St Swithuns
8.00am  Holy Communion - Fr Grahame
              Preacher: Fr Grahame
9.30am  Holy Communion - Fr Grahame
              Preacher:  Fr Grahame 

St Barnabas
8.00am  Holy Communion - Fr John Ward 
              Preacher: Fr John Ward 
9.30am  Holy Communion - Fr John Ward 
              Preacher:  Fr John Ward 

Direct Credit Details

Anglican Parish of Kalamunda-Lesmurdie

ACF Direct Credit Offering: BSB 706 001 Account 30003030

Diocesan News

Latest Diocesan eBulletin : 18 July 2024 HERE




Parish News & Events

Contact Sherry Fairbairn or simply call in on Friday mornings

10 August, 2pm-4pm

Liturgical Assistant Training

(at St Swithun’s Church)

31 August, 2pm-5pm

Spirituality at St Swithun’s:
The Gospel According to Saint Mark

in the church,
with a shared afternoon tea

signup sheets at the back of the church



A number of Parishioners and Op Shop Volunteers will have received notification from the Safe Ministry Unit to renew the following safe ministry checks and/or to complete Safe ministry Training Level 1/Level2. Please check with Fr John if you need any Assistance.

Safe Ministry Checks.

Form 1. This is now obsolete and One of the National Safe Ministry Forms will be required.

VNPC. This is renewed 3 yearly. The new NVPC has an upgraded Documented ID requirements.
   1. Commencement of Identity Document (1) - ie. Birth Certificate or Passport.
   2. Primary Identity Document (1) - ie. Driver's License 
   3. Secondary Identity Document (2) - ie. Medicare Card and a Bank Card (The bank card number is not recorded)
   4. Change of Name Document - ie. Marriage Certificate.

These documents need to be seen by Fr John, but we no longer need a copy.
Fr John signs the E4 Section and submits the form to the safe Ministry Unit.

WWCC card - 3 yearly as usual. Fr John signs

Safe Ministry Training - Level 1 / Level 2
- A large number are now due to complete this training because they had previously attended the Church Safe Training Session.

Fr Graham has arranged for a Group Training Session st St Swithuns led by the Safe Ministry Officer, Davina Goldthorpe.

Safe Ministry Training - Level 1 Enrolment Guide

Safe Ministry Training Level 1 login 
(use the link in the Enrolment guide above if this one does not work - training costs are covered by the Diocese)

Email certificate to screenings@perth.anglican.org

 Mother Union Logo

"Sharing Christ's love by encouraging, strengthening
and supporting marriage and family life ".

Meets:  1.30pm on the 2nd Tuesday of the Month at St Swithuns Hall.  
Next Meeting :  13 August.  
Secretary: Nancy Rhodes, nancyrhodes40@yahoo.com


KYB Studies 

---  Wednesday Group resumes  25 June  ---
A New Study 
"ROMANS. Part 1"
All are welcome. 

New members are always welcome to these groups.
Study time runs from 9.30am - 11.30am approximately, including a ‘cuppa’.

Tuesday KYB 

Tuesday 9.30am-11.30am
10 Seaton Court, South Guildford
Enquiries to Hilary Edwards. (Telephone: (08) 92919230 or mobile: 0403 979 909).

Wednesday KYB 

105 Watsonia Road, Maida Vale from
Enquiries Shirley Swallow (telephone: (08) 9293 3889) and Jane Elkington (telephone: (08) 9257 2560).


Op Shop News

Open: 9.00am-12.00pm Monday - Saturday. 

—  excluding Public Holidays  —

Calling on Volunteers to work in the Op Shop

We need those regular weekly volunteers, and those who may be available to fill the occasional gap in the roster

Contact Bron Hatcher - 08 9293 0214‬

Scroll Reward


Please check carefully as there may have been some changes in the Rosters. * 

 28 July - 10th Sunday after Pentecost  

2 Samuel 11.1-5:  Psalm 14:  Ephesians 3.14-21:  John 6.1-21.

Prayer of the Week:
O God,
the protector of all that trust in you,
without whom nothing is strong, nothing is holy:
increase and multiply upon us your mercy,
that, with you as our ruler and guide,
we may so pass through things temporal
that we finally lose not the things eternal.
Grant this, O heavenly Father,
for the sake of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

St Swithuns, Lesmurdie

Counters:   Diane Milne & Brian Colegate 
Celebrant:  Fr Grahame
Preaching:  Fr Grahame

8.00am Eucharist
LA:  Linda Murray
Intercessions:  Nance Cox
Old Testament:   Marilyn Gosnell
New Testament:  Norma Hoffman 

9.30am Eucharist
LA:   Elizabeth Kelly
Intercessions:  Ima Rose
Old Testament:  Jim Crawford
New Testament:  Ben Rose

St Barnabas, Kalamunda 

Flowers:  Tracey Jones  
Sacristan:  Bev Downing 
Celebrant:   Fr John  
Preaching:   Fr John

8.00am Eucharist
LA:   Tracey Jones
Sidespersons:   Ken & Audrey Ogilby
Old Testament:   Lucy Cantlay
New Testament:   Allan Cantlay

9.30am Eucharist 
LA:   Bev Downing 
Sidespersons:  Lin & Chris Robins
Old Testament:    Mary Raycraft
New Testament:   Lloyd Raycraft  
Morning Tea:    Sherry Fairbairn

  4 August  -  Transfiguration  

2 Samuel 11.26-12.13a:  Psalm 51.1-12:  Ephesians 4.1-16:  John 6.24-35.

Prayer of the Week:

Living God,
whose Son Jesus fed the hungry
with the bread of his life
and the word of his kingdom:
renew your people with your heavenly grace,
and in all our weakness
sustain us with your true and living bread,
Jesus Christ our Lord;
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.

St Swithuns, Lesmurdie

Counters:  Elizabeth Kelly & Glenda Apted 
Celebrant:  Fr Grahame 
Preaching:   Fr Grahame 

8.00am Eucharist
LA:    Nicole Hales 
Intercessions:  Pearl Astley 
Old Testament:   Lav Marendoli-Murray 
New Testament:  Millie Sala-Tenna

9.30am Eucharist
LA:   Nancy Rhodes
Intercessions:  Elizabeth Kelly
Old Testament: Glenda Apted
New Testament: Ima Rose

St Barnabas, Kalamunda 

Flowers:   Brenda Shaw 
Sacristan:  Mary Raycraft 
Celebrant:  Fr John  
Preaching:  Fr John 

8.00am Eucharist 
LA:    Lucy Cantlay 
Sidespersons:  Tracey Jones & Sam Wylie 
Old Testament:    Walter Green 
New Testament:    Henry Foreman 

9.30am Eucharist 
LA: Julie Ward  
Sidespersons:   Mary & Lloyd Raycraft 
Old Testament:  Doug Pritchard 
New Testament:   Christine Pritchard 
Morning Tea:   Connie Russell

 11 August  -  12th Sunday after Pentecost  

2 Samuel 18.5-9, 14, 31-33:  Psalm 130:  Ephesians 4.25-5.2:  John 6.35, 41-51.

Prayer of the Week:
Grant to us, Lord, we beseech you,
the spirit to think and do always such things as are right,
that we, who cannot do anything that is good without you,
may by you be enabled to live according to your will;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.   


St Swithuns, Lesmurdie

Counters:  Peter Newing & Glenda Apted 
Celebrant:  Fr Grahame
Preaching:  Fr Grahame

8.00am Eucharist
LA:  Carol Wallace
Intercessions:  Nance Cox
Old Testament:   Brian Colegate
New Testament:  Vanessa Thurgate 

9.30am Eucharist
LA:  Jim Crawford 
Intercessions:  Nancy Rhodes
Old Testament:  Glenda Apted 
New Testament:  Pauline Tonkin-Saunders

St Barnabas, Kalamunda 

Flowers:   Brenda Shaw 
Sacristan:  Bev Morris
Preaching:  Fr John Ward 
Celebrant:  Fr John Ward 

8.00am Eucharist
LA:  Allan Cantlay 
Sidespersons:   Ken & Audrey Ogilby 
Old Testament:  Carolyn Toleman
New Testament:  Ian Toleman

9.30am Eucharist 
LA:  Lin Robins 
Sidespersons:  Chris Robins
Old Testament:    Stuart Fairbairn 
New Testament:   Bev Downing
Morning Tea:  Hilary Edwards *

18 August - 13th Sunday after Pentecost  

1 Kings 2.10-12,3.3-14:  Psalm 111:  Ephesians 5.11-21:  John 6.51-58.

Prayer of the Week:  
Almighty God,
you have given your only Son
to be for us both a sacrifice for sin
and also an example of godly life:
give us grace that we may always thankfully receive
the benefits of his sacrifice,
and also daily endeavour
to follow the blessed steps of his most holy life;
through the same Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.  

St Swithuns, Lesmurdie

Counters: Diane Milne & Brian Colegate
Celebrant:  Fr Grahame
Preaching:  Fr Grahame

8.00am Eucharist
LA:  Nance Cox
Intercessions:  Priest
Old Testament:   Peter Newing
New Testament:  Norma Hoffman

9.30am Eucharist
LA:  Elizabeth Kelly
Intercessions:  Priest 
Old Testament:  Glenda Apted
New Testament: Jim Crawford

St Barnabas, Kalamunda 

Flowers:   Audrey Ogilby
Sacristan:   Bev Downing
Preaching:  Fr John Ward 
Celebrant:  Fr John Ward 

8.00am Eucharist
LA:    Peter Stewart   
Sidespersons:   Ian & Carolyn Toleman
Old Testament: Jane Elkington
New Testament:  Tracey Jones

9.30am Eucharist 
LA:  Bev Downing
Sidespersons:  Christabel Dickson & Stuart Fairbairn
Old Testament:  Hilary Edwards 
New Testament:  Connie Russell
Morning Tea:  Brenda Shaw


To keep the Rosters working properly, if you could arrange a swap and let John or Lin know that you have swapped that would help immensely.

Prayers logo

Please include the following names in your daily prayers:

Tony Eagleton, Tessa L, Philip W, Alice L, Ken O, Denise L.

Hal Airth - (Mary Raycraft)

Pat & Bill Tiszavolgyi (Diane Milne)

Margot McGuire, Geoff & Family

June Ellison, Shane & Desiree

Josephine Morgan (out of hospital)

John & Maureen Buckley - good health, great healthcare and lots of support (Denise Laycock)

Aiten (Christabel Dickson)

Phil Davies, Jenny (Jane Davies)

Give thanks for Libby’s remarkable recovery - 6yro (Joan Pietersen)

West (Irene McGuirk)

Cathy and George Car (Allan & Lucy Cantlay)

Karyn Brands (Roger Blackburn)

The Bereaved

The family of Anne Gillbanks, following her recent death..  

The family of Barbara McKnight, Andrea, Karen & Ross.  

Lucy & Allan Cantlay following the death of Lucy's mum.  

Those in hospital (* Surgery)

Asha - in hospital (Christabel Dickson)

Loving Lord, we pray for …,
strengthen them by your Holy Spirit,
grant release from pain,
refreshment of spirit,
and wholeness in body and mind
through Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen.

The Departed.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, 
and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May the souls of all the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God,
rest in peace and rise in glory. Amen

To keep our prayer list current please send us those you wish to pray for. CLICK HERE


1   Christine Pritchard

Departed Anniversaries:    
3   Ralph Day  (1995)